A downloadable game

Adding a whole new dimension to a classic, and with it, a greater degree of challenge. Play Minesweeper but in 3D in VR.

Supports Vive and Oculus controllers.

How to play:

Click on a cell, if it is not a mine, a number will appear. That number represents the number of mines that that particular space is touching. Touching applies in the x, y, and z axes, as well as diagonally. Use this information to deduce which cells must be mines and which are free.  You may flag the mines for easier reference. The goal is to clear all the free spaces without clicking on any mines. Do this as quickly as you can.

You win when either: you clear every single open space or you correctly flag every mine


3D Minesweeper.zip 42 MB

Install instructions

Must have a PC running windows. Must have SteamVR Installed.

Download the zip folder.

Unzip the folder.

Open the unzipped folder.

Click on the application file " 3D Minesweeper"